Kebab Line Up

Four men are in a line at the Madadian Police station, charged with unlicensed kebab breeding.
The men are Mad Ade, Buster Artery, Cliff Hedge and Donny Moe - and they are standing in a straight line.

One man is fair, handsome and unscarred.

Two men who are not fair, are each standing next to Mad Ade

Buster Artery is the only man standing next to exactly one handsome man.

Cliff Hedge is the only man not standing next to exactly one scarred man.

Who is fair, handsome and unscarred?
Ans. Cliff Hedge is fair, handsome and unscarred.

From (2), both the men standing next to Mad Ade are not fair. Also, exactly one man is fair, handsome and unscarred. Hence, there are two cases:

Case 1 :: ? (N, ?, ?) : Mad Ade (Y, Y, N) : ? (N, ?, ?) : ? (?, ?, ?)
Case 2 :: ? (N, ?, ?) : Mad Ade (?, ?, ?) : ? (N, ?, ?) : ? (Y, Y, N)

Note the representation - Name (Fair, Handsome, Scarred). "Y" stands for Yes and "N" stands for No. Mad Ade (Y, Y, N) means Mad Ade is Fair, Handsome and Unscarred.(oh, how true this is..NOT)

It is clear that either Mad Ade or the man at the extreme right is fair, handsome and unscarred.

From (4), it is deduced that Cliff Hedge is standing next to unscarred man and each of the other men standing next to exactly one scarred man.

Case 1 :: Cliff Hedge (N, ?, N) : Mad Ade (Y, Y, N) : ? (N, ?, Y) : ? (?, ?, Y)
Case 2 :: ? (N, ?, Y) : Mad Ade (?, ?, Y) : ? (N, ?, N) : Cliff Hedge (Y, Y, N)

From (3), Buster Artery is the only man standing next to exactly one handsome man. But in Case 1, Cliff Hedge is standing next to exactly one handsome man. Hence, Case 1 is not possible and Case 2 is the correct one.

Case 2 :: ? (N, ?, Y) : Mad Ade (?, ?, Y) : ? (N, ?, N) : Cliff Hedge (Y, Y, N)

Again from (3) and (4), there are 2 possibilities as shown below.

Case 2a :: Donny Moe (N, N, Y) : Mad Ade (?, N, Y) : Buster Artery (N, N, N) : Cliff Hedge (Y, Y, N)
Case 2b :: Buster Artery (N, N, Y) : Mad Ade (?, Y, Y) : Donny Moe (N, N, N) : Cliff Hedge (Y, Y, N)

Thus, Cliff Hedge is fair, handsome and unscarred. Also, Mad Ade may be either fair or not fair.

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