The Rule

Q. I had a lot of fun putting together the following list of words. Can you figure out the rule I used to develop the list? Once you do, have fun creating your own list!

mount, right, left, roll, mote, lick,

lass, over, rate, aunt, rill, arch,
oral, ever, pine, rice, tip, each,
team, rash, sage, ouch, edge, ray,
earn, any


Ans. Each 3 to 5 letter word, when preceded by sequential letters of the alphabet, will form new words:

amount, bright, cleft, droll, emote, flick,
glass, hover, irate, jaunt, krill, larch,
moral, never, opine, price, q-tip, reach,
steam, trash, usage, vouch, wedge, x-ray,
yearn, zany

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